Internet tough guy strikes fear into "homophobes" everywhere

Homophobe doesn't mean someone with a fear of gay people

It means a hatred/fear of gay people. Fear usually leads to hatred.

unless you think that hydrophobic materials are literally afraid of water

You fucking idiot, that means they don't mix well with water! For fucks sake.

Just another pathetic tactic from a pathetic person

As shown later in your comment you have no arguments and spout trollish bullshit. The projection is strong with this one.

And Milo is a homophobe, too.

I don't think you know what homophobe means.

Gay people can be homophobic too

Where is your evidence? what has he said that is homophobic? Unless you really are homophobic and are trying to project onto others

Its sad, really, how stupid you are. But its reflective of this sub as a whole

So your argument is "YOU'RE A STINKY DOO-DOO HEAD!". Also its funny how you say that compared to GamerGhazi which is an unfunny shithole filled with unfunny, spiteful cunts who circlejerk over "GrubbyGrubbers R DUM XDXDXDXD" and banning people who don't fit the narrative.

Thanks for playing! You lose, as gamergoobersalways do. Bye! :)

Wow, if this wasn't cringe before it certainly is now. Also funny how you try to "end" this "game" prematurely. People who do that know they are losing and try to laugh it off with smugness

Just as an aside though; I'd be careful about where you use the word "faggot."

LOL What-The-fuck-ever faggot

I have a deal with homophobes

This should be good

You can call me a faggot, but if you do, I'll be calling ambulance after I beat the shit out of you.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Holy shit! I honestly never expected this retard to say this! LOL

Then again, most homophobes are limp-dicked cowards who wouldn't use that kind of language around someone who could clearly hurt them

You know what's really funny about this? Moron here would probably run away like a bitch if he were actually face to face with those "homophobes". Reminds me of Richard "fight me IRL" Stanton

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