INTPs settling and staying in relationships that don't make them happy.

This INTP stereotype has aaaaaalways been true for me. I've always been in long term relationships, and in the end I find I'd rather just suffer through it than be alone most times.

I definitely identify with the repeated statements about feeling unable to truly "be yourself". I have a lot of eccentric interests and quirky thoughts, but so many times I just feel too ashamed to share because I can't handle criticism. My current bf is a musician, and back when we were first together I would be listening to my music and he would comment on it(stuff like "this part is really repetitive", or like "that guy's voice sounds weird", judgemental things) and it made me feel so embarrassed I wouldn't play any of my music around him for the longest time. There are certain things I will play nowadays, but I still tend to avoid sharing my music because of fear of judgement.

Also, we get into lots of stupid debates that don't need to happen. Example from yesterday: we were talking about X-files, and I mentioned how according to one episode, a psychic says that Fox Mulder will eventually die of autoerotic asphyxiation. My bf kept refusing my conclusion(it wasn't a leap, as far as context goes it was explicit and it's even listed on the x-files wiki.) I explained how the whole situation made sense, and he kept interjecting with "what if's" that were clearly not true, things like "What if his powers were wrong?" "What if he was joking?" "What if he was talking about someone else?". Whenever I gave the evidence as to why the conclusion is true and his assertions did not fit, he just started saying things like "Well I just feel like Fox would never do that" and just kept repeating the same thing.

Also, my bf is not too familiar with critically thinking about stories and statistics people give you and he always gets mad when I tell him the info he has received is biased or false. He'll tell me about some "study", and when I ask details(who funded it, who conducted it, etc) he gets very defensive and offended. Also he'll come home and tell me some story someone from work told him, only for me to have to break it to him that they essentially sold him copypasta IRL. One day he came home and told me essentially the "Jollyrancher story" but he had heard it from someone at work and some of the details were changed. I told him the person had been lying to him and stole the story off the internet, but he kept defending it like "Maybe it was a different person?" Uhhh no.

I've almost broken up with this guy a few times and he broke up with me for a week once, but we live together so we're back together. It's like, we can have a fun time together based on shared interests but on some deep mental level, he refuses to acknowledge my skills and I often feel very put down, ashamed, and annoyed by some of our conversations.

/r/INTP Thread