Iran blinds acid attacker in 'eye for an eye' punishment. Man has eye gouged out by medics in first known case of retribution five years after he blinded another man.

No one can go into your mind, confirm you have converted, and then set you on your way;

The mind is always more free than the body, you can't chain the mind like you can the body, but you can break both.

That plain and simply isn't true. All of modern psychology, and therapy itself, is designed to study and change your mindset, your values, your belief systems, etc. That's literally what it's there for. That's its purpose.

Furthermore that's a common cop-out used to hand-wave away any discussion about the psychological effects non-violent tactics have on other people. In our culture, we have an aversion to confronting or dealing with mental illness and the like because we (incorrectly) believe that your mind is solely your responsibility and that you choose to be psychologically affected by other people's actions (including argumentative action where people deconstruct your mindset and your motives, or emotionally abuse you). A third of all Americans suffer depression and the like. 36% of all women suffer emotional abuse while growing up. Humans have psychological needs that are just as important if not more so than our physical needs, so how can you believe that harming people psychologically is in any way more morally justifiable or human than physical damage, which doesn't always hurt people psychologically? How is an assault on the psyche (which I argue forced therapy inherently is) any better than an assault on the body? This seems to be a core tenet of your argument and you're not really doing much to support it or to argue against the idea that having an eye taken out is less humane than being brainwashed, why?

Again, I don't condone AA as a religious indoctrination technique, but I do feel that needing to accept that you have failed to curb your own addiction is the first step in healing your mind/body/soul of an addiction.

With that said, none of your last argument (while well said), is any more valid than the gouging of the eyes of a criminal by medics who would like to call themselves professionals in a civil society.

But that's not the place of the state or therapists to force you to do that. If we are to accept that it is absolutely wrong under any circumstance to take out someone's eye or throw someone in prison then it must certainly be a lot more wrong to force someone to adopt a belief system other than their own that they might not want or believe. Personally I don't want any one of those, but you are not convincing me that losing an eye is worse than those other two.

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