Islamic expansion of the universe, and its counterargument.

So why are you claiming to know the meaning (and defending your intepretation) if you openly admit that nobody except allah can know the meaning?

Wow. Read this carefully:

"They are the Foundation of the Book and others allegorical (open to interpretations)"

If youre claiming its revealing factual knowledge....

I'm sorry, let me elaborate on what I meant.

The Qur'an is not a book of science to the point that it tells you the very details of how things work.

if your claim is merely..

They're useless for you. But they aren't for us because it increases our Imaan. Moreover, the Qur'an, I think, is not meant for people to search for clues for scientific knowledge. I don't think that's the main purpose.

Unless you can demonstrate...

Lmao. This book was revealed 1400 years ago. Aliens? Time traveller? bullexcrement

Let me repeat it again. This book was revealed 1400 years ago. This book was revealed 1400 years ago. This book was revealed 1400 years ago when civilization almost didn't exist, when education isn't really a part of the society, when there were no books of knowledge available. Prophet Muhammad SAW couldn't have copied it from some myths because people (both companions and enemies) has their eyes on him. That's why we have 10,000+ Hadiths. Even what he said was recorded. People had their eyes on him for 23 years, if he ever copied it, they would have known. Dude. I know your smart. It seems that your hate is blinding you.

Allah knows best!

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