Ivanka Trump 'greeted with half empty-room' while giving Tokyo speech on women's empowerment

My daughter Ivanka, who, I might add, is my daughter, she got a... didn't she get a terrific reception in Japan? Wasn't that amazing? A standing ovation! A standing... Of course, the fake news media didn't say word about it, did they? No, of course, of course not! But it's not their fault! It's just, it's... They...

Ivanka, she's my daughter by the way, did just a tremendous job, a very, very tremendous job, don't you think so? Beautiful girl, just a knock out, as I am always saying, and I say this, believe me. Now some Japanese women, some great Japanese women, not all Japanese women... I think... I think you know what I mean, but I better be careful. They're gonna "Trump said this, Trump said that" but they are just so unfair, and just very, very unfair, okay? And this is so ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous on all levels.

But my daughter, okay? Ivanka, she's my daughter, I don't want to say my favorite, but some will say that, okay? And they will say it, believe me, they have said it. Incredible legs, just beautiful legs, and very... But I'm her father, and that's what they'll say when they don't talk about Crooked Hillary, who I might add is just a very, very awful individual. Which is very interesting. But what can you expect?

And in Japan, which is very far away for your information, they just love her, and they love her, which is what you will never hear about, because they'd rather put out fake news about Trump, and Trump doesn't... The Japanese just have... they are saying that it is the biggest that anyone has ever seen, and they should know.

/r/worldnews Thread Link - independent.co.uk