I've never read a thread on Reddit I've disagreed so strongly with as r/ChapoTrapHouse's response to Sam's discussion with Russell Brand. I find it hard to believe anyone in that thread listened to the entire episode. How can well all get on the same page?

that thread is filled with a lot of hate. one user even admits an irrational hatred for sam. when you view these conversations as something to win or lose, i think you're missing the whole point of the exchange. even though they disagree, do you think sam or brand walked away thinking "what a fucking loser. he is so out of touch since his purchase is on ideas separate from mine"? i think we can be sure of the opposite, despite disagreements. how people have the energy to dog on people having conversations to expose us to different ideas is pretty depressing. after checking the comment history of the users there, though, it's totally unsurprising.

/r/samharris Thread Link - reddit.com