How it's been since I quit drinking.

My father was an alcoholic. When my mom was pregnant with me, she gave him an ultimatum. Quit or she would leave & he'd never see me. He quit and hasn't drank since (I am now 35). It runs in the family, my younger brother is a heavy addict, into alcohol & hard drugs. I was a "functioning alcoholic". Because I was fun to be with & never hurt anyone or caused trouble, it was never really a problem. I wouldn't drink heavy everyday, but still have some beers. Then it all hit rock bottom. My Dad was diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer, I tore my rotator cuff off the job & was unable to work, because it was not work related, I wasn't able to collect compensation. I also did not have insurance because I never really planned for my future like I should have. I was home everyday, bored, in pain from my shoulder and bills were piling up. I sought refuge in alcohol. It was on the 20th of December which I finally had my last beers. I was having blurry vision & slurring my speech. My girlfriend of nearly 3 years came out from her place (hour & a half away) to check on me. She called an ambulance to make sure I wasn't having a stroke & it was that night I realized how bad it was. I saw a doctor the next day and told her about my depression I was in, I decided to quit that day and haven't looked back. With support from my amazing girlfriend, I left alcohol behind & moved forward. After that, good things started to happen. I found a job driving a shuttle van. It is lots of hours but very good pay for easy work and it's something my shoulder can handle as I await a second MRI. I told all my close friends one on one what I had being going through & that I was changing my life, they all support me & now we have movie nights & get together's without me having drinks. Since I was of clear mind, I called each company I owed money to and explained that I was going through a rough time, found a job and would catch up again soon, none of them have given me a hard time with calls or notices since, and finally, my relationship & bond with my girlfriend is stronger than ever. Life will throw me curve balls, I know this. My dad has 3-6 months left, rather than sulk & feel sorry for myself, I am being positive. I am spending more time there before work to visit and making sure my mom is taken care of. I have never been a bad person, but I have so much potential. I want my Dad to know that I will be a man he would be proud of, I am never going back to alcohol, I know that. I'm moving forward. All of this wouldn't be possible if not for my amazing girlfriend, she pushed me to save myself and be more.

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