Jamie Noble stabbed twice in trailer park

Trucker here. Maybe I shouldn't share this but fuck it, I'm three beers deep...

I've been on the road for a while. You see a lot of shit out here. I've seen three people die since I started turning a wheel. It's not pretty. I've seen pile ups and have been in them, I've seen a hijacking, I've seen rollovers, I've had someone try to rob me at knife point. And a lot more.

I've also been the target of road rage.

I myself rarely am the person with a cool temper but I for sure am not about to start a road rage incident.

A years ago I bought a truck and leased on to a large carrier. I specifically went with one that didn't do military work because I made the decision to conceal carry a firearm. After having two individual road rage incidents in a year (one was beyond pissed I didn't let him cut in front of me after I let 15 other vehicles in front of me at a lane reduction, the other followed me into a truck stop after I got in front of him and had to slow for merging traffic) both of which only backed down because I produced a bench made bushcrafter knife which is approx 9 inches long, it was time to get a piece in the truck.

I grew up in a very fun friendly state and owned several handguns before I became a driver. So I grabbed up my S&W 610, a firearm that I adore and have a good amount of range time at- and put the holster on the side of my seat. I now had a reliable, well used, trained on revolver at my side.

Roughly 4 months ago I was heading up to Cleveland via Cincinnati when literally out of no where traffic just comes to a standstill. A fairly common occurrence. We go and stop for maybe 15 mins. I'm protecting my following distance, staying at most 10 feet back from the car in front of me. I'm on a hot load, to the extent that the 20 minute delay I'm suffering now could cost me over a thousand dollars by not having it in on time and a reload on my truck.

And then it happen. I can see the end of the traffic. The lane reduction ends, maybe 1,000 feet at the top of the hill. A very aggressive pick up try's to pull in front of me. I close what little flowing distance I have. He try's again. I hold my ground. He gets so close to the vehicle in front of me it forces me to stop. What the actual fuck. He gets it. I remove my 610 from its holster.

He approaches the truck. Screaming at me. What a dipshit I am, what a piece of shit, cunt cunt cunt.

He gets within 10 feet of the truck. In one smooth motion I raise the 610 to my shoulder, roll down the window. He did a full stop and about face. Right back to the truck.

Nothing happened. He pulled away. He saved his own life.

I live in Ohio, Ohio has and had a castle law at that point. I didn't want the trouble. He caused it. The whole way back to his truck he cast shitty looks my way and I was worried about him pulling a piece himself. In that case I would've rammed his vehicle and driven away (herd defender grill guard ftw.)

So anyhow, yeah. Life is full of dicks.

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