Jealousy problems

people in the comments are saying you’re crazy and need therapy when you just have jealousy problems. like ??? I understand where you’re coming from. I’ve always been a severely jealous person; any interaction my boyfriend has with the opposite sex makes my blood boil. I do trust him but I’ve always been possessive. It’s extremely hard to address this because it’s embarrassing right? It feels so immature to get upset over something that is 1. Not his fault and 2. A common everyday interaction Luckily my partner is the most understanding person I’ve ever met and he makes it easier for me to address why I’m upset. If you’re going to talk to your partner I suggest starting with how you know your thoughts are irrational but you can’t help but have them. Remember it can be frustrating for your partner so come at the topic lightly and with an objective of understanding each other. All in all, this feeling will go away over time, I’m guessing you don’t know him THAT well since it’s only been five months. You also have some strong trust issues so it’s going to be difficult for you to get over. I’m still working on this as-well, but I will say it does get better!

/r/relationship_advice Thread