Jeff Sessions' Russia Contacts Spark Lawsuit For Advice The Fbi Gave Him

Damn, they deleted. I was going to reply with this:

Based on your post, I used to think a lot like you. I grew up in the country, I was raised Christian, a scout, then I became a member of a Texas church, and eventually ended up being an ordained minister.

What changed? I noticed one side trying to compromise for peace while lining their pockets; while another lied to the face of the people they were elected to serve before fleecing them while stripping away anything promoting fairness and unity. One side promoting the assurance of social equality; and another that inspired hate and fear to drive our nation apart.

When you don't worry about the health of our electorate, the wellness of ALL residents and citizens, then you are literally putting our lives at risk while working to destroy America while flat out killing the American dream.

We don't want you and other people like you, conservatives, dead. We just want you to think about the long game for any other reason than personal benefit at the detriment of others. We want you to be more critical of your own biases, and learn how to sift the facts from the lies. None of us can take information at face value, you have to discern factual truth backed by provable data, preferably backed up by further research.

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