Jenn's Response to her Offensive Comments

it's by far worse than what dan said, but dan's was like, within the past few months (idk when this season was filmed) and jenn's tweet was back when she was like 19 (she's 23 now). i get that by 19 you should know better, but realistically, we definitely do not live in a post-racial society, white people are more often than not raised to be racists and develop within a racist society.

it's not like jenn is some anomalous horrible person. having lived in the suburbs in the midwest and currently attending high school in a very progressive community in los angeles, I can tell you that there is an extreme range of self-awareness and racial conscientiousness in that age group. jenn clearly didn't develop the awareness when she was 19, but we have reason to believe she has now (she's publicly apologized and has said she's grown a lot since then).

i don't know. i'm fully expecting to be downvoted and labeled a racist apologist for this comment but i want it to be entirely clear that i'm not trying to defend her and i condemn her remarks just as any other rational person would. i feel like everyone here who's completely shocked and now thinks jenn is the worst person in the world when they loved her last week probably lives in a bubble in which everyone they know is completely socially conscious and those that make offensive remarks in their teens are horrible monsters.

in summation: yes, by 19 you should be competent and aware enough to know not to make jokes like that. but realistically, we are far from living in a post-racial society, so naturally it will take time for people to develop the ability to discern the problematic behaviors they may exhibit, correct them, and develop a sense of morality that should have but was not instilled in them in their adolescence at latest. no doubt her words were abominable but i feel like it's pointless to hate her for them, considering she 1) clearly no longer endorses that type of behavior, 2) has apologized, and 3) is really more of a product of a deeply flawed society than an active racist out there defending her remarks far past when she should have learned that they are inappropriate and callous.

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