Jeremy Corbyn attended a conference after the Iraq war that called on Iraqis to engage in "military struggle" against coalition forces, the BBC's Panorama programme has learned.

This was what got Galloway suspended from the Labour Party. To literally share a platform with these people, not debate, but to collectively agree about Iraqi policy, is the ultimate proof Corbyn not only doesn't deserve to be leading these soldiers in office, but that his alliances with every form of Fascism and Communism where the West are the bad guy mean I hate the idea of him even being an MP.

This is not a "Smear". A smear is something that is made up, and is a direct subjective attack on the person. This is a statement of objective fact. This is not the Tory Press, or some Blairite concoction. This is Panorama, saying that a man who would be in charge of these soldiers has shared platforms with those urging that they be killed.

Could you imagine these Corbyn supporters if say, Nigel Farage had:

Asked for a minute's silence in Parliament to remember Lennie Murphy and his fallen UVF Comrades (bastards)

Described his "friends" in the Apartheid governments.

Stood on a platform with a Zionist calling every dead Palestinian a "Victory", or invited him to Parliament

Stood with Nick Griffin on the same platform on ANY issue

Marched in rallies commemorating the rise of Pinochet in the same say Corbyn did of Khomenei

Said anything that morally greyed WW2 in the same way Corbyn did of the Wars on Communism/Islamo-Fascism.

Farage would be thrown out of UKIP in days. Why in God's name are Corbyn supporters just tying themselves to a man who clearly has one ideology; West=Bad, fighting West=Good. Even Michael fucking Foot fought for his country against Nazism. When has Corbyn ever ONCE been sympathetic to the idea of fighting Totalitarian regimes? Even Milosevic gets a pass. Even Afghanistan gets a pass. He's literally said he can't think of a situation to use the military. Not genocide? Not preventing Totalitarian dictators seizing nukes, or countries? Not when a country funds International Terror? None?

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