Jeremy Corbyn's secret link to the tormentor of pregnant Jewish MP Luciana Berger

I think my posts on /r/exmuslim or the stuff ive written or store on /r/exmuslimsafety answers that question.


So basically, STWC and Corbyns actions over Uncle Tomming and the Yazidi Genocide were key drivers, not anti-semitism but thats whats lead my party to be systematically and institutionally racist.

Here's one thing Ive learnt being a non-white in UK, especially one who grew up in the 70s and 80s.

Those that hate me will always go for the Jews first. Whenever you see someone go for the Jews then stand in their way. You know, the people that white Westerners have spent thousands of years persecuting culminating in the genocide of millions? Its the oldest prejudice. It hasnt gone away.

This is solidarity with my fellow minorities and its little more than a pre-emptive safety. Proactive instead of reactive. Get them before they come for me.

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