Why John Oliver Can’t Find Americans Who Know Edward Snowden’s Name (It’s Not About Snowden)

I wasn't implying anything about your actions, just making an observation about the nature of that particular attitude.

Since you opened the conversation, though...

Cynicism is goddamn useless. I don't care if people care, but if the reason for not doing anything is because you believe that you can't do anything... Agggghhh! That. is. not. rational.

"I believe that my voice is marginalized, therefore I will act as if I have no voice at all, supporting the goals of those who marginalized it."

It doesn't work. Look, I'm not saying we should all martyr ourselves in the name of democracy. I'm only saying that participation is mandatory if you want any hope of a better future - not activism. Just participation. The more people drop out, the more shit like Citizens United is going to slip through the cracks, because when nobody gives a shit about horrible things happening, that is when you can do them in the clarent light of day.

If you dont want the worst possible world to become real, you have to act like any of the better futures you like is, at least, absolutely inevitable. It's better to act like whatever better future you choose isn't inevitable, and to invest energy in changing that, but if you don't have the time or energy, I respect that. Needs must.

But I will not and will never have anything but a cold and calculated contempt for those who claim anything but a love for the dystopian future we're sailing towards, and who do not at least excerise the voice they have, however marginalised to change course.

This is not necessarily aimed at you - after all, I know nothing about whether you're still at least voting (the context of your comment leading me to believe you're probably a US citizen). Really, this post stems from months of seeing people saying one thing with their words while applauding the future they proclaimed to hate with their actions.

/r/Foodforthought Thread Parent Link - firstlook.org