Joining a gym when you live on a homestead...

It's this asymmetrical compression of the joints and hinges of the skeleton that causes all the ensuing trouble and symptoms of structural aging (distortion). This includes, but isn't limited to: general stiffness and soreness, lack of mobility, diminished performance / it's harder to move, stress/ strains/ tears in the soft tissue, cartilage deterioration, damage to disks, and all other structural injuries.

One-sided repetitive exercise creates tight muscles, but they are only a symptom of the real problem. When the skeleton is pulled out of alignment, out of whack, the quality of movement changes and the options of movement diminishes in kind. The harder one trains, or works out, the faster this process is speeded along; a wonderful example of a vicious circle, or taking one step forward and two steps back.

The Danger of Repetitive Exercise

And don't forget.. Unlike the blue collar worker who has to do repetitive muscle movements to pay the bills, you're not actually making anything product or service. And, you are paying money for the privilege.

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