Jordan Peterson says Ontario psychologist licence may be suspended over public statements

The strangest thing about Peterson is that he wouldn't be famous if the left wasn't so obviously afraid of the things that come out of his mouth

Like a common anti-Peterson meme right now is a quote that suggests that he doesn't understand why women sleep with men, the implication being that he is a poor lover

The actual quote, in context is him explaining to his classroom of mostly young men the perspective of women and how brave they are to go on a date with a random man that they barely know. He compares it to going on a date with a Grizzly Bear and asks the men in his class to think about that.

So all the people who are so intellectually stunted that the literally will not click on anything that might cause them the slightest cognitive dissonance are thinking they got a real burn in there.

For people who aren't intellectually afraid, it just makes him look like idiots and proves his point about the failings of the intellectual left at the moment.

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