Journalists drink too much, are bad at managing emotions, and operate at a lower level than average, according to a new study

30-plus year journalists here. Crap, 20+ word headline. Could have easily been:

"Journalists drink too much, but can see still see connections others miss"

The pluses, abstractions, value tagging, are ok. So is the assessment on drinking, sugar, junk food. Fine with that.

But this, dead wrong: Journalists scored lower on: "Silencing the mind, which is related to the ability to have thoughts without getting distracted by them, or a powerful ability to focus. "

Most writers I know are so focused on writing, the analysis, the construction of the story, everything else is blocked out. They get into an entirely different zone.

The below-average ability to regulate emotions has a cause. I once had a fellow call me to tell me he was about to be arrested and was going to kill himself. Someone I knew. A public officials. He went to a park with the police in chase. And guess what, he killed himself. If you work as a reporter covering a town or a war, you will see and experience horrible things. A lot of reporters, I believe, suffer from a form of PTSD.

There's no support for this, just distraction, only booze and the next story. So yeah, I'll admit to telling someone to fuck off.

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