Jungling-Maintaining farm whilst doing objectives/ganking.

TLDR: farm near objectives and get turret plating First off, rotate clearing in your jungle for objectives. If drag is coming up, farm botside. If you’re going for rift, farm top. Don’t cross the map just because someone pings for help. By the time you get there they’re going to either be dead or too low to help.

But even then, ganks take time. To prevent most tilt: Pre 14 minutes, don’t just tax laners and leave. Help them get turret plating! You both get a lot of gold that way, and you also get some lane xp. Taxing and leaving doesn’t do anything for your laner and barely helps you either. But pinging the turret and then ‘helping push’ the wave gets you a lot less angry pings.


/r/summonerschool Thread