"Just cause you cant get puss like the don" - Trump supporter in r/CringeAnarchy isn't happy with criticism of Ivanka's potential misunderstanding of what a birthday is. Diagnoses a number of redditors with apparent autism.

Probably has a deep down pussy phobia, thinks they're gross/germy or something. Wouldn't be surprised...no way this man actually understands how vaginas work. Vaginas are to body parts what cats are to pets: self-cleaning...they're cleaner than most people's hands, for god sakes.

My point is, no way this man knows that. No way he's good in bed. I would not be at all surprised to learn he's not promiscuous for the simple reason that he is a germaphobe, and seems to have some sexual hangups. Doth protest too much, and all that -- all his talk about how easy it is to get laid, how he can "grab the pussy" whenever he wants it. Men who literally fuck don't need to go around talking about how much they fuck.

Getting pussy is as easy as breathing for men who fuck a lot, probably not something they think about as something they get a lot of because it's just a normal part of life. Based on my experience with men who fuck a lot, Trump just doesn't exhibit the same traits. For those men, "bragging" (versus a simple stating of the facts within a relevant conversational context) is the very thing which raises doubt in the minds of the recipients of the braggart's claims. Because the men who get the most sex know that, at least on some level, exhibiting some discretion and respect for the pussy they've already fucked. Women don't wanna fuck a dude who brags about how much he fucks. It's fine if he fucks a lot, but fucking a lot and then bragging about it is a gross turnoff. And such behavior, if/when repeated, would cause the number of fucks a guy can get to dwindle over time.

Granted, my evidence is anecdotal and limited. I'm also a woman, so there's only so much understanding I can have about men in a general sense being that I ain't one. This is my current understanding though. And I strongly believe Donald Trump is most likely a terrible fuck -- luckily I'll never have to find out. In fact, I hope I never think about Trump and sex at the same time ever, ever again.

/r/SubredditDrama Thread Parent Link - np.reddit.com