Just drove up from Florida....

But now, the science has changed, and a number of governors are refusing to take new data into account...

The policies were never in place because of any scientific fact.. these policies are in place to placate the amount of fear people have. People are scared shitless of the imaginary worse case scenario, as indicated by the sheer fanaticism against the non-masked. They have nothing better to do all day than to stew in their fears, and that accumulates into quite the serious amount of anxiety which is getting unleashed unto those who do not share the fear. Some people simply don't have the fear instilled in them, for better or worse. But we should never look past the fact that these policies in place are simply placating fear, not science.

Mask fanatics like to say that science backs the use. Meanwhile science also says that a faster spread would also lead to faster herd immunity, and that it's a easy to be an unknown carrier of because of it's GASP non-serious nature.. but people don't want prepare themselves to fight the virus, they want to wait for the drugs or vaccine first because it's 'safer'. They want the government to fight the virus for them, and they also want the government to give them money until it's 'safe'.. because beyond that people have no have no actual control over the fear caused by the situation beyond some nylon on the face, and that infuriates them.

Not sure why I wrote this.. It's doomed be be downvoted with people's current fearful fanaticism. Just a little bit of re-framing the current popular narrative and will soon be buried I guess.

/r/Michigan Thread Parent