Just found out that my (25f) boyfriend (29m) has been lying to me about who he is/ what he does for a living for the entire year we have been dating.

Edit: Wanted to answer some questions here:

  1. No his parents don't fund him at all. My bf has always traded stocks. Since I met him. That has never been hidden from me or anyone in his life. He is very good at it too and actually helps me, his whole family, and a lot of his friends to run our own accounts. However, he used his complicated stock trading programming as his front for "school" because his MBA was stock related. So when COVID happened he started "working from home". And he had 2 monitors and all this graphs and a forum and he claimed that forum was his class. I believed him and his parents believed him because we all don't understand those programs and just took his word for it because we didn't know anything about it.
  2. His personality has never been questioned by me, his parents, or his friends. I have spent significant time with everyone important in his life and they all see the same character from him that he shows me on a day to day basis. But idk if that's better or worse because he either had everyone fooled on who he really is in a deeper level or if his personality beyond the lie (what he showed me, his family, and his friends) is truly him and something he didn't alter.

He took such an active and committed role to his lie that he felt comfortable in it. To me he hung the moon. I looked up to him and valued his advice and his opinion and was very attracted to who he was and how he carried himself. But like someone else said, that was a shell of himself. Now that his "shell" is shattered, I am seeing someone who is a liar, anxiety ridden, who has self esteem and insecurity issues, and who is EXTREMELY out of touch from his emotions. He's not my guy.

/r/relationship_advice Thread