Just how far should no guidance go?

fly ship = hold a trigger to zoom forward, or the X button, use left trigger to navigate your direction, and right trigger to navigate your rotation

features with the ship?

Lets see, guns, and um, thats mainly it for this game cause Sean said its not gonna be too complicated. Probably a trigger

Calling in wingmen, probably automatically happens, but sounds like a killstreak, most likely d-pad.

The atlas is a secret feature ATM, probably not something we all have.

if your talking about minimap thats probably the start or select key.

naming wildlife, easy, there will be a popup like the ones you see in the first trailer showing the name of what you discover. So instead of being clueless i will hit start to go into the ingame menus and find the page where all the names of things are stored and thats where i will probably find the rename tool.

Multi-tool? triggers, use triangle to swap between modes.

Jump is obviously X, crouch would be Square or circle, minimap is either square or circle or d-pad. sprint would be pressing down on the joystick.

What im getting at is that controls are so easy nowadays that what i just typed out is most likely a very accurate guess at many of the controls.

If instead of tripping over yourself trying to play the game, you take two seconds to try out some buttons and OH, wait for it... See what they do, then you might actually realize, hey wait these controls are the same as other games! No really its a console controller.

I mean look at minecraft, its HUGELY popular but you dont see any ingame explanations of how to craft ANYTHING. If i was to get my grandma to play minecraft she wouldnt know anything at all, wouldnt even be able to make torches. Let alone firgure out you can craft a portal in 3D, in the game. which opens up another world.

Its because kids these days KNOW the basic controls for everything, and if there is a slight difference they change it to what they prefer, and if they are really lost about what to do they know to go look at a wiki, or just google it.

/r/NoMansSkyTheGame Thread