Just Looking For Some Stories/Experiences

I call this story Pro Deo et Patria- For God and Country

I had realized after my first year of college that it wasn't for me and decided to pursue my childhood dreams of being in the Army. I really wanted some sort of cool technical job that would translate well to the civilian world, so I chose Geospatial Engineer. I had the spot all reserved and was extremely excited, only to have my happiness disappear when I failed the color vision test at MEPs, thus making me intelligible for the job. After going over whatever jobs were available for color blind Soldiers, such as truck driver, supply, mp, and some other shit, I was pretty much set on not joining. Then, somehow, however the hell recruiters do it, they talked my dumbass into enlisting as a chaplain assistant.

A year or so later, at my first duty assignment, miserable ole me who was really beginning to wish he stayed in school since all his friends were having fun out in the real world and I wasn't, was spending my weekend at the post chapel because a couple had reserved it for wedding rehearsals and someone had to stay there to lock it up and help if anything happened. Already very happy with my decision on jobs and the Army, spending my weekend here really just made me regret things even more. The only bit of happiness was due to the fact that the rehearsal was almost done and I could finally spend my Saturday night with my friends getting drunk like always.

As I'm mentally preparing to leave, and people begin wrapping up the rehearsal, my happiness is starting to raise a bit. This brief spat was quickly ended though, as my whole world gell apart around me. As I was happily minding my own business, a man enters the chapel staff office to inform me of some terrible news.

"Hey Soldier, I just wanted to give you a heads up that apparently one of the kids here made a bit of a mess in the men's bathroom. I hope it won't be an issue."

I though, OH ok. Can't be too bad, I'll just clean up some tissues paper on the floor or something. So my happy ass walks over to the bathroom ready to do a bit of cleaning before I leave.

I open the door and am immediately punched in the face with grief as I see child shit smeared all over the floor and walls. Yes, some mother fuckers child shit on the floor and proceeded to rub it all over the bathroom. Some dumb mother fucker couldn't bother to watch their autistic fucking child, couldn't give two shits about cleaning up their own fucking mess, and left me to deal with it.

My previous happiness disappeared as I spent the next few hours cleaning up a shit filled bathroom, on a Saturday night, filled with regret, as my friends all had fun without me.

/r/army Thread