Is this just me or an INTJ thing..?

First things first. Ego check. Not everyone falls in love with you, if you're an INTJ female you wouldn't be hard pressed to find people who actively hate you. I'm assuming you're female and in your late teens or early twenties so this advice is with that spirit in mind.

INTJ's are a small set of the population and predominantly male, INTJ females make up less than 1% of the population so by your personality alone you're going to be a novelty to a lot of guys. You simply don't act the same way that every other female they encounter does, if you're moderately attractive then this compounds on its self and you're going to find yourself with a decent amount of attention. Which brings me to my next point.

This kind of attention is going to be inherently a romantic interest. You can be clear that you have no reciprocating feelings and it's not going to matter, you can't be friends with these guys. This is a long hard lesson that I learned personally through many many friendships that I had to cut loose because they couldn't be just friends with me and I could see it was having a negative impact on their lives, so I walked away. To many reading this, it may seem like a boast but it's not. I have lost many friends that I still miss to this day because even now, years later, I know I can't contact them. I don't make friends easily with anyone and loosing friends because of who I am naturally really sucks.

I'm assuming that you generally have a hard time making lasting or fulfilling relationships with other girls since your two friends you mention are both male. This is where I would advise you to put most of your effort into fixing. Guys are generally easier to friend because they're generally direct and a lot less taxing to deal with, but the unfortunate truth is that being friends with guys is going to be long-term harder to sustain. I would try and find one or two girls you can invest time into and focus on that. Or like myself get two really good gay guy friends. The point being you have to remove the attraction element entirely.

/r/intj Thread