I just want to know other women who go through this

When I was 20, I got out of a seriously crappy relationship. I immediately decided to "liberate" myself by doing all the sorts of things he would have hated. I spent 6 months straight stoned and drunk, got a tattoo, and slept with any man that showed me an ounce of attention. I tried to move on, but ended up getting sexually assaulted by a friend. Apparently I had a reputation. Then a knight in shining armor/psychology major came to save me. He listened like a therapist, bought me food, made me feel important, then drove me out to the countryside at night and told me to put out or walk home. I attempted suicide a week later but failed. I admitted myself to a psych ward. Got out. Got into a relationship when I really should have spent time taking care of myself. Got pregnant shortly afterwards. He's an amazing man, a great dad, and we're making it work almost six years later despite me being a bundle of trauma and drama. Yeah, life was crappy, but I somehow managed to get a happily ever after.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread