Just unsubbed from /r/fatpeoplehate and /r/fatlogic

For your first response, I don't know if your theory is right. I think it had more to do with the rise of fast/unhealthy food, along with stuff like video games/the internet. Yes I agree that parents should be helping their kids be healthy, but sometimes it's impossible to stop kids from developing addictions. If it was as easy as trying to enforce healthier habits on kids, then I fail to see how so many teenagers take up smoking, drugs or are overweight.

Sure there were lots of contributing factors. But there was a stark spike through the 80s. And it is easy. Feed your kids right. It's not impossible. People don't want to try.

You didn't say you hate them in your response, but come on... the subreddit is called "Fat People Hate". And I just looked through fph2... you are kidding yourself if you think the posts are about hating unhealthiness/obesity. Really? Was that about wanting this man to be healthier and avoid sickness? Or this shit? If you really care about these people you would contribute to a sub that supports healthy habits, not a sub that is just for spreading hatred of people. If you really want people to get better, then why would there be a rule against fat people going to the subreddit? It just seems like you're in denial.

What about venting echo chamber do you not get? I'm aware of the vitriolic shit there. Also fph2 is a really bad example to pull from right now. Those people are pissed. More than usual. You also need to not generalize. There were 150k subs. Not everyone is going to share the same opinion in the same way.

And I just scrolled 2 weeks back into your post history, you haven't gone a day without posting. So I don't think it's the plane... but I admit that's not very relevant, what I'm most concerned with is the stuff I brought up in the paragraph above.

It is the plane. You have zero idea of what is going on here and I can't tell you. There is literally nothing else to do. Here's a recent picture of my day. http://imgur.com/DlxcB4H

That is an approaching sandstorm, those suck. I workout twice a day, and read. And wait. And wait. And sweep sand. So. Don't pretend like I have some kind of problem because you just don't know.

/r/JustUnsubbed Thread Parent