Kabul Airport taking fire as reported by the US Embassy in Afghanistan.

People who are blaming Biden, we had 2 Republican presidents oversee this war and things still fell apart. You really think the 3rd Republican president to oversee it would suddenly fix everything? You really think something could be done after 20 years that would magically fix it?

After 20 years and 4 presidents, we just need to leave. Whoever pulled us out would face this hatred and the rest were just too scared. Obama and Trump knew we should leave, but they were too scared of the blowback to do it.

There was never a way to improve this situation after 20 years. The only thing we can do is not spend new money and new lives chasing a failed decades old dream. We gave this country 20 years, and they lasted a week. If we were there for 20 more years, they'd probably just last 2 weeks instead. At a certain point you have to cut your losses and move on, we reached that point 10 years ago.

/r/worldnews Thread Link - af.usembassy.gov