Kelly McParland: Harper continues to bamboozle opposition with his instinct for the pocketbook

Where to begin. He has accelerated the longer process of liberalization of the economy and reduction of the welfare state that begun under successive Liberal and Conservative governments. It is arguable that the intension of welfare is not to allow people to sit on their ass, but to be able to support themselves enough to find work and become functioning members in the economy. He gutted environmental regulations which are highly important for Canada (arguably - if you don't give a shit about the Earth or our environment then that is your right), and has made us appear weak and positively idiotic on the world stage (reusing old targets over again). On the world stage, Canada's reputation has been reduced - whether the UNSC - or in terms of international agreements. Depending on which way you see it, his free trade agreements (43 so they say, and perhaps the TPP) will allow corporations to sue the government if they enact legislation that has the 'potential' to harm their profitability. Harper and his MP's and Cabinet have made a jockey of the parliamentary system. We no longer have ministerial responsibility, there is no longer any cooperation or non-partisan activity, the ominous omnibus bills (although used by other governments, granted) have been detrimental to democratic governance and our parliamentary institution. I argue the House of Commons is worse now because of the Conservative Party and their unruly caucus. They act like apes in the HC. They tend to serve corporate interests because that is what their party is about. Economic growth. Unlimited, infinite growth. How to do so? Deregulate - remove the state from the economy and let the free market do its thing. Well, I don't think it always functions successfully when it comes to that - i.e. U.S. healthcare. There is more but this should suffice for now.

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