Kerala is dying a slow death. But, it is easily possible to change Kerala for good. To make it the best state in India in all fields. Can we have serious genuine discussion?

Quoting people does not mean it will always be true. Mandela puts his efforts in things that can be achieved. That is because he is a wise man and knows what is practical and how to access the resource to get it done.

What you are talking about is lawmakers (who just not only have clout but also the money and decide who survives) changing a system, which is not in any way favorable for them. So how do you plan it (not how it works) and not in an abstract sense but explain in SMART Goal setting ( Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely) . If you say protest/revolution, i will understand you are venting and please dont explain further.

/r/Kerala Thread