Kfc, I demand ancers.

Because being able to cook food in automated systems demands being able to spell words that aren't used every day.

Out of the 1.5 billion English speakers, I highly doubt a day has gone by without someone saying answer.

Let's just kick them back on welfare instead of giving them a living wage that MIGHT cost you an extra few cents per order.

It most definitely would.

My grandma was one of the best cooks I've known and she was an illiterate woman with a maybe 5th grade education.

What'd she cook, meth? Fuckin dropout druggie.

But apparently you want to punish people and make them struggle even more because they didn't get a quality education.

They're probably so dumb, they don't even know they're being punished, duh.

Fuck the dumb people.


Maybe we should take all those we don't deem to be biologically adequate and pt them in camps where they can learn to concentrate better, right?

That'd be awesome! pt as in physical training? Then they'd be useful!

Would you rather see someone work for a living wage or see them sit at home?

You creepy voyeur fuck, you shouldn't creep on people sitting in their own homes!

Give them a wage that they can support themselves on and allow them a little bit of pride.

Oh, thank you almighty king, for allowing them a bit of pride. Do you think they're too dumb to be able to take pride themselves?

Fuck, people.

Getting higher class in your hookers now? Are you too good for the dumb ones?

I hate that my country is so resentful of those less fortunate.

Countries do not have emotion, feelings, or thoughts. It's mostly dirt.

Fuck you and your whole family that was blessed to get a good education and a good job.

Now you're getting into incest? With some kind of education fetish? Perv.

You don't fucking deserve a bit of what you have with your hateful attitude.

You sound like the hateful one from this post...

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