A kid uses Bastion cheese to win in a pro tourney

To be honest It's really ignorant to think that bastion can't work in high level games. Is he the most easily countered champion in the game? Yes. But if you're not expecting it, it can win games at any level. I regularly play at 3100ish and occasionally bust out the bastion in desperate / unique situations. And more often then not it works. It also can work as a surprise tactic like in the video above. In addition it can also work as a great stall tactic kindof like a back line tracer distraction but a choke holding bastion can cause people need to coordinate and often times that can make a team crumble in and of itself. In addition to those things he can break chokes. Also a team that loses a round because of a bastion (either friendly or enemy) will almost always tilt uncontrollably.

He has uses in high level game play and I'm glad people are finally realizing. Just because someone is easily countered doesn't mean they are bad. Especially when they beat out the highest dps of any character by ~5x.

Quick thing I'd like to mention. Bastion is not a champ to play through a whole round. He's a champ to bring out at the start or at the end when something needs to happen. The reason he's got such a bad stigma is because people play him and refuse to switch after they got a dva 3 snipers and a roadhog to counter him.

/r/Overwatch Thread Parent Link - youtube.com