Killed a full group extracting, one dropped a high end First Wave M1A. If I can't have it....

A) Your stupidity betrays you. Not automatically hiring somebody because of their crappy entitled is not hate. You not being able to tell the difference between being hateful and simply not being impressed is on you.

B) Please, will the guy with no job tell me more about how things are in the private sector? Do you honestly believe you're the first person to get out of the military and go to school? Are you really so stupid that you don't realize people have done it before you? Are you so dense that you don't realize those people have FAR more knowledge on the topic than you do?

C) You ARE an embarrassment. The vast majority of people that read this thread will think to themselves that you are entitled trash. Your lack of comprehension and constant reliance on expletives portray you as being stupid and uneducated, and rightfully so. Unsurprisingly, your trashy behavior is accompanied by insufficient comprehension skills and a drastically elevated view of himself that will mean little to nothing when you get to market. There's a reason they had give tax credits to employers to hire people like you.

C) I am done with this convo. I engaged far more than I planned to, and am embarrassed that I even participated in a conversation with an obvious bum for this long. I am sure you will send me an expletive filled post about how I'm a "fucken pussy ass bitch cock sucker" or whatever your small mind can come up with. At the end of the day, I (and thousands of others) that have successfully done this exact before you know far more about it than you do. There's no shortage of articles from successful veterans trying to help idiots like you, but they're all "fucken stupid" and your resume "is gold". You're not the first idiot with delusions of grandiosity, and you won't be last. Good day, and best of luck with life.

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