Killing in record numbers

Ok take a deep breath. I never called them shitholes, I don’t think there are. But there’s a middle ground between refusing to acknowledge any flaw in a country’s system and calling it a shit hole. Every single system is worth criticizing, what I don’t like it’s people who reject any kind of criticism of old communist/socialist regimes as if they did nothing wrong.

I don’t see how what I’m doing is gonna destroy their achievements ? I’m simply saying, just like you did, that they aren’t perfect. If you think merely criticizing something is enough of a threat to destroy their achievements then maybe you’re just a fanatic or they really didn’t achieve much if it can be so easily washed away.

It’s sad to see many leftists like you believe so many of anti-communist propaganda.

Excuse me, what? All I said is they aren’t perfect and are worthy of criticism. Is that anti-communist propaganda to you? Are you implying that they are perfect? Well you said they weren’t in your first sentence, so ... do you believe in anti-communist propaganda as well?

There is a difference between liberals mindless repeating « socialism bad because Stalin killed people» and leftists giving relevant criticism of what those countries are doing and in which way they can be improved. You reacting to those two positions as if they were equally unhelpful, and implying that they both derive from propaganda, is rather disappointing and it’s probably the thing that bothers me the most about the left sometimes.

Why can’t we criticize China when it’s warranted? There’s both good and bad in it, just because we are having a conversation about the bad sometimes doesn’t mean we reject the idea that there is any good. This kind of black and white thinking is for fanatics. How are we gonna build a better world if we don’t critically look at the one we already have and see what can be improved?

As unbelievable as it may sound to you, I can empathize with your country’s situation and criticize a past regime as well and the effect it had on country. People still criticize Ancient Rome. You don’t’ get to decide what others should and should not discuss just because it makes you uncomfortable to address a troubled past. Addressing it is necessary sometimes but if you don’t want to be apart of that discussion, then don’t. You don’t have to shut it down as if it was inherently immoral to criticize previous socialists regime. Some criticism of socialists regimes is valid and shouldn’t be shut down like the invalid one. IMO this anti-intellectual position will only lead to more and more failed socialist societies. You know what they say about those who don’t learn from history.

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