Weight loss during depression - looking for practical advice

Erm, I'm meant to be taking 1000mg lithium and 50mg paroxetine (only when low) but actually stopped taking all meds about 6 months ago. I realise that this may not sound the best decision on paper, but the meds just made me completely apathetic. It didn't really take away the depression, just lessened it slightly - the main purpose was to take away the highs, but it also felt like I couldn't get excited about anything. Feeling like that all the time seriously affected my social life and uni work, so I decided to try and manage without anything. It's worked for the most part, and not having to remember to take/refill prescriptions has been a relief.

I meet with a psychiatrist every few months, but have missed all appointments since coming off meds, because I'm worried she'll say something to the university (the medical practice I'm registered at is the uni one). I was seeing a counsellor every two weeks, but that's stopped since term ended. Most people in my life don't know about the diagnosis. Just my mum and a close friend.

My weight loss plan is simply calorie control. I try and stick to 1500 per day, but am okay with anything under 2000. I'm down a stone so far, which is great, but I'm looking to drop another 2 stone (28lbs). So basically I'm a third of the way through. That'll put me on the slimmer side of healthy. I've been including more fruits and veg in my diet, trying to get my 5-a-day, and have cut waaaaay back on sweets, carbs and butter. Just simple, common sense kind of stuff. I've been trying to walk more, but that's stopped with this latest mood dip. I'm also nocturnal.

I see you've lost a considerable amount of weight - that's pretty astounding, especially if you've had to deal with this at the same time. Any tips on mood/weight management would be greatly appreciated!

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