KotL 1.6k mmr jukes

What the fuck....

Ok that paragraph has ruined the authenticity of anything you have said.

138 is a pretty shit APM for dota when most dota players click at least twice a second = 120APM so why would I want to prove that.....

why would I want to prove that.....

I don't know, you tell me why you would want to prove that. You're the one that said:

Said so people didn't question my way of measuring it.

And of course the original:

One of my meepo games got featured as a "guide" on dotabuff and it showed my apm to be 138. I wasn't even trying to farm well that game so I know I could easily get 250 or 300.

Where you are the one giving all this proof. Given that you gave that information so people didn't question you, you actually are trying to prove that.

If you don't care at all about proving it like you now claim, why did you specifically say it so people wouldn't question you? If it was for the sake of exactly how it was measured, you could have just said it was from dotabuff.

By the way, my point still stands.

In this comment chain not a single person is asking or challenging anyone else on how the measurement was done.

So why did you feel the need to defend yourself, pre-emptively, on how your APM was measured? Not to mention you could have just said it was from dotabuff. You literally could have just said it was from dotabuff instead of going into a brag story about how your meepo games are featured as guides. Tell me exactly, what did it add by you giving a personal brag story? Because according to you, the whole reason the brag story is there is:

so people didn't question my way of measuring it.

You literally could have just said it was from dotabuff. It definitely wasn't a case of:

This will seem like a brag but there is no other way to put it.

And as a final point

As if I actually give a fuck about what some idiot says over the internet, I may seem like I have some emotions relating to what we are typing here but I really don't give a fuck.

You apparently cared enough to type out

Fucking shitlord I already said that.

No need to be a shitlord you fucking twat.

As if I actually give a fuck about what some idiot says over the internet

Ok that paragraph has ruined the authenticity of anything you have said.

As a result I find this hard to believe:

see how emotionless I am when it comes to games

When a simple reddit comment that in no way shape or form affects your life in any way gets this type of reaction from you. I'm not even in a game with you where I could potentially be ruining your enjoyment, I'm calling you out on a silly comment that is pretty much irrelevant to the main discussion of the thread.

I don't know about how you think normal discussion goes, but people don't go out of their way to call others shitlords and idiots repeatedly when they "don't give a fuck" about what they are saying. The proper response? Have an actual discussion, or just ignore it if you think the arguments pointless for one reason or another. I tried the former approach, but I've already pretty much proven my point by now. Theres nothing more that I can say for further clarification, especially considering you haven't responded to the content of my original post yet - hell I even ended up quoting pretty much the entire thing again in my second comment because it still responded perfectly to what you originally said and what you said in your second comment.

So I'm going to go with the latter approach since this now seems like a pointless endeavor. I'd be interested in seeing what you still have to say if there is anything else besides random insults, but I'm not going to respond any further since it seems no real discussion is going to happen here.

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