Latin Americans, how much influence does the Native/Indigenous American culture affect your daily life/culture?

how much influence does the Native/Indigenous American culture affect your daily life

Not that much. The only influece it has on my daily life would be some words that originally come from languages like Mapudungun or Quechua.

how much influence does the Native/Indigenous American culture affect your culture

It depends a lot on the region of the country.

Most Chileans live in Central Chile where indigenous influence is not nearly as big as European influence.

Rapa Nui (Easter Island) has a lot of Polynesian influence.

Araucania has a lot of Mapuche influence since that's the place where a lot of them live.

Patagonia donsn't really have indigenous influence because most of the indigenous population was killed by European settlers.

Northern Chile has more indigenous influence than Central Chile because it used to belong to Bolivia and Peru until the 1880s, but in the last century indigenous influence has been fading away.

bonus question: do you also identify as Indigenous?

No, I identify as white.

/r/asklatinamerica Thread