At least 10 injured after gunmen shoot into crowd of hundreds in New Orleans

What about the mass shootings and money fraud?

First off money fraud? For real? Like that doesn't happen in Nigeria? Also are you referring to the big banks or something? I don't even know what you are talking about.

I'll address "mass shootings now. Do you know how rare those are? Like that is your go to? Oh, whites sometimes commit crimes and the news media nearly has an orgasm because a white boy finally killed someone so it gets 24/7 coverage? The Oregon shooter wasn't white. Chris Dorner wasn't white. Most "mass shootings" aren't even done by whites. Look at this article. It is a mass shooting by definition.

6% of the population commits 50% of the murders. The white boys and the "mass shootings" is even on the radar.

Outcasting blacks to ghettos (referring to high murder areas)

I can't imagine why people don't want to live in a gang infested area. Also stop shooting each other.

and policing them less seriously can cause plenty of tension and gang outbursts.

I'm sorry but I thought people didn't want the police in those areas. Should I find some articles about not wanting the racist po po in your area? This is laughtable. The gangs are causing gang outbursts.

Go one and tell me about how that's white amercia's issue. You all don't want to work with the police. You don't support snitches. That's cool. You are making your own warzone. So you figure it out. The cops can come to my area and protect us.

But sure, it's in our DNA, right??

There is a 15 point difference between the races for nearly 70 years. You go a head and tell me why.

But having a low IQ still doesn't explain why you all keep killing each other. Just stop it.

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