Wrote a letter to my ex asking for an apology, considering sending it when I hit 3 months NC.

I don't care how many mental disorders he has, he KNOWS that he's taking advantage of you.

Your desire to "call him out" on it is just you, needing to be involved with him in an argument or in a conversation or in anything. You will do ANYTHING, by your own admission, to stay involved with this person.

I know it's hard to hear, but the reality is that YOU don't treat yourSELF as someone worth respecting -- it 100% comes across in your post. He may be a douchebag of sorts, but YOU are responsible for YOUR OWN actions. You've demonstrated, you've illustrated to him exactly how you expect to be treated. You've spelled it out for him, "Please Treat Me THIS way. I will keep coming back no matter what." Your whole relationship dynamic is about YOU, not him. THIS is what YOU have brought to the table. I'm just afraid that you will leave this relationship, and then go on to meet some new person, and you will teach them to treat you in the exact same way, then they will lose respect for you, and then you'll create a pattern of "see? no one loves me." DON'T DO IT. THIS IS IN YOUR HANDS.

Your view of "love" is what's not healthy. Where did you get the idea that sacrificing your own dignity is OK? Who taught you that your emotional needs come last? Take a look at your family -- did they teach you that if you sacrifice your own needs, then you'll be worthy of their love? Was one of your parents a substance abuser, or absent? I'm just trying to stimulate your thinking about this stuff, and I know I'm not cushioning the blow, but the sooner you start to work this stuff out, the sooner you will be in a HEALTHY relationship where you are respected and truly loved -- not used for support.

/r/ExNoContact Thread Parent