Lets look at the new DTCC regulatory rule filings and the Market Disruption Events / System Disconnect sections

That's why you shouldn't be able buy a house. That's why they don't want you to have assets that would take you in the position of being INDEPENDENT! You can really downvote the shit out of me, at this point I simply don't care. I'm just here for the BUY and HODL. And I do appreciate every single person in here be it the ones providing all the great DD or just simply joking around. We're ONE NATION. Actually we're ONE PEOPLE no matter where you come from, no matter what your job is, how you look and so on. THAT'S FUCKING HUMANITY. And that's what they want to destroy. So don't think for one second, that they're going to let this thing MOASS without further efforts to fuck things up indefinitely. What they haven’t thought about at all was that people don’t want things gone just because “they” said so.

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