Lets talk about CS:GO's Pricetag

Mate until this sub actually verify these flairs I am what ever is going to annoy people, at the moment it happens to be a global who goes against the circle jerk of the sub.

The whole "OMG cs go is full of hackers, match making is literally unplayable" is a bit of a lie perpetuated by this subs circle jerk nature and its members egos. Let me explain. In this sub people are using an app that tracks number of vac bans of players who have played cs go and use this as a measurement for how many hackers are in the game. However, just about everyone forgets that the app only measures the number of vac bans and not vac bans resulting from cheating is cs go, as a results the interpretation based on this app is very shaking. This sub also wants something to be angry and upset about, I've seen this sub go from AWP nerf, casual mm/unranked 5v5, unbanning IBP, no operation, the r8, rifle recoil, rank shifts, and now cheaters. This sub needs something to be angry about and at the moment it is cheaters. Threads about cheaters are getting up voted because this sub reddit is currently in a massive circle jerk about cheaters. Finally there is the players egos. They can't stand they thought of someone being better than them. To try and rationalise their defeat and soften the blow to their ego and believe the other these had a hacker. But in reality the other either had a smurf, where just playing better, or were abusing mistakes being made.

As for the price of source. Why bother pricing it cheaply? You can get all the cs games for about 20 and there is a newer version of cs that is cheaper. The only people who are going to be buying source are the people who really want it, so why bother making it cheap when you can get a few extra dollars out of it.

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