Let's teach each other how to swear in our languages

Haven't seen a good french post so here I come.

"Putain" is for fuck, it also means whore but is much more used for fuck.

"Va te faire foutre" literally means "go masturbate" but is used to say "fuck off" / "go fuck yourself"

"Enculé" = asshole, in fact "un enculé" literally means someone fucked in the ass.

"Je t'encule" is close to the last one, it's used for "fuck you" I guess, but in France we are specific, we say "fuck you in the ass".

"Va te faire enculer" = go fuck yourself

"Con" is like dumbass, it's also the vagina.

a "Connard" is an asshole.

"Fils de pute" = son of a bitch

"Batard" is bastard and is used like "Connard" or "enculé" to describe and asshole.

"Débile" means dumb but I think it comes from latin or greek and originally meant "weak". "Débile mental" was used to describe people afflicted by some mental illness but now it just means "really dumb" and is not used anymore by scientists or doctors.

"Bite" is dick so we can say "suce ma bite" for "suck my dick".

"Garage a bite" is "dick parking spot" so it means that the guy you insult of "garage a bite" is visited by a lot of dicks !! Sadly this one is not very used.

Not very used too but "je te pisse à la raie" literally means "I pee on you ass crack" and I find it very funny. It means "fuck you".

I'll edit if more comes to my head.

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