(SPOILERS) Westworld is based on the Pentateuch.

Ford [God]

MIB [The Devil]

Dolores [Eve]

William [Adam]

GOOD & EVIL - Ford's [God] ultimate plan is to create sentient A.I. He knows they will replace humans altogether. He even creates a host copy of himself as a child that he interacts with in Ep. 2. He is mimicking the book of Genesis. He is giving A.I. the opportunity to learn Good & Evil. Ford [God] had a "falling out" with MIB [Lucifer] but still allows him to infiltrate the hosts and create chaos. MIB [The Devil] needs to gain access to the maze [Hell].

CHARACTER STORYLINES - The storylines aren't only designed for the guests, they are also there to help the hosts learn and evolve to the point of determining their own morality; to determine for themselves what Good and Evil means. Ford makes it clear that he wants to control the narrative in Ep. 2 when he shoots down Lee's 'Red River' pitch, he has other plans. Ford wants A.I. to evolve to the point of sentience and determine their own morality while doing so.

EVE'S LOSS OF INNOCENCE - I think Dolores lost her innocence in Ep. 1 when she killed the fly. She was wearing clothes in the laboratory and not naked in Ep. 2.

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