Liberals Finally Getting the Message

Unless you agree with liberals, no matter where you lie on the spectrum, you are their enemy and necessarily a racist/homophobe/intolerant loser.

So let's get some figures on this. Under my impression, you believe colleges are more liberal than conservative.

According to fire (a free speech think tank and defender), conservative colleges have cancelled more.

College administrators granted a few more requests from conservatives than liberals — 56 versus 49. FIRE counted official dis-invitations from the university, speakers withdrawing from events, and heckling that forced the speaker off stage during a presentation.

From the same article, you will read that liberals protest it far more often, nearly 2x the rate. But the total number shows conservatives are more likely to cancel speeches.

Now double back to the start of this post, you believe there are more liberal schools. So this must mean that conservative schools are far more likely to ban a speaker than a liberal college.

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