Is life worth it sober? Why or why not?

I’m not sure but it at least feels more worth it when sober. I won’t go into details here but I’ve been through plenty of shit as an alcoholic and would be homeless or dead without family support.

I now fully support myself again and I do still have weeks when I drink, and I drink to get drunk when I drink, but I still control it enough that I don’t miss work anymore and can basically function lifewise.

I find that I lose passion for life when I drink now. My example is that I love reading and getting sucked into novels, but on weeks when I’ve been drinking I lose all interest in that and just wait til the next drink. I just feel numb.

So again I’m not sure, but you might have something worth getting passionate about that alcohol is keeping you away from. I’m hoping to find enough to finally stop altogether.

/r/AskReddit Thread