Linkin Park

Lmao. That's actually pretty true and it likely wouldn't go this well face to face. There is the downsides and upsides to online conversations like this I think. The common downside is, a lot of times people are anonymous and can say whatever they want without having to deal with the reaction you'd have face to face. Then the upside is, you can think out your response, reread it and tweak things to sound better, or more easily get your point across.

When face to face you don't really get the benefit of taking your time to think things out since most people aren't going to sit there for 5 minutes while you sort out your response. So most of the time in disagreements we get rash and spontaneous responses.

Reddit (and other communities) can tend to be pretty negative places a lot of the time, so I like to think if we take the time to point out small things like this to each other maybe we can make it a little better. Like the guy I replied to said, his mind doesn't work that way so he never thought of it like that. It's not always easy to see things from the other side of the argument and if we can be civil and remind each other, maybe it can be a better place for everyone.

Sorry for the wall of text response but it's pretty rare to see a positive outcome to something like this at least in my experience the last 4-5 years I've been around here. Just hoping this explanation can help someone else down the road.

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