Local high school football players kicked off team after protest during anthem

I personally disagree. "No gay marriage" or "slavery is allowed" actually wasn't political while still be wrong. Changing it did become political.

Also, there is a further difference in measure. While the status quo is to stand, there was no outrage if a player wasn't on the field for the anthem. It was just a "if you're here, you should stand." I don't think I could defend that as not political, but it is pretty modest.

The act of kneeling is a deliberate and pronounced difference in action. It is supposed to go noticed.

Allow me a comparison. Right now, if you go to a Christian funeral, you're expected to be quiet during the ceremony regardless of your religion or politics or beliefs. "That's just polite" they'd say. If you decline to go, no one would freak out. If you go and start shouting, that is a huge difference designed to draw attention.

If you described that as "not defending the status quo" you're being a bit disingenuous. I think that's what is going on here. The act of showing up to kneel is not just a different approach -- it is indeed a protest. And that's also the point. If you want your protest to be noticed, own it.

If you read all that, I personally support their right to kneel. I see all of this as a non-issue.

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