long overdue child support and jurisdiction for calculation of arrears

Why are you concerned about the interest?
Why am I concerned with establishing if my ex owes me $55k (300 @no interest) or $273k? are you serious? Over the past 16 years had I been putting $300 mo in to a 401k I would have had some control over the growth and investment of that money. It would be ignorant not to have any concern.

After 18 years of not paying $300/month that she agreed to pay, or the $520/month that the court ordered, what are you going to do?

File to have the arrearance calculated and entered as a judgement against her so that when her husband and her split, the divorce gets a third wheel. Or when she and her husband buy a home, theyll be unable to sell it without me getting my cut.
Have a lawyer in the proper jurisdiction, if someone who actual has something useful to contribute helped me narrow that location down, ensure the court has a realistic image of her income as she hides a great deal of her earnings through cash work and barter. And to assure that she is held to the same standard that a noncustodial man would be. Basically, all of the things I probably should have initiated immediately after our divorce but foolishly did not.

Are you going to sue her and try to collect blood from this turnip?

I dont have to sue her. I have a court order for child support. Blood from a turnip implies she is unemployed and unemployable, incapable of paying. Thats simply not the case. Ive just not taken proper steps to ensure enforcement, being pathetically attached to her and having spent my daughters entire childhood trying to find a way to bring their mother back to us. Texas will garnish her wages to 50% until this debt is repaid. Thats probably going to require a PI at the least to establish and document her TRUE income.

If not, then your question about the interest is pointless. If so, then hire an attorney and do it already.

Gee thanks for absolutely fucking nothing. The whole point of having posted this is that Im not entirely sure which attorney to hire. Hell Im not entirely sure I shouldnt relocate before filing. I can work from anywhere in the world with an internet connection, Spending a year in NV again, or TX wouldnt be an issue, should someone speak knowledgeably advising of which of the 3 states involved has jurisdiction or would otherwise be best for me to address this issue in.
I think I made it clear that I am aware that my past handling of this matter was not appropriate and that I am now at a loss for where to begin, but clearly I am seeking a path towards action.

Life has its own rewards.
No shit sherlock. Child support isnt a prize. Its an obligation to your child. The fact that my ex has had a more extravagant second childhood than our daughters got for their first one. The fact that we legitimately NEED her support to help the girls with their educational expenses. The fact that her income sits on top of her husbands income, above what I earn.......removes any pity I may once had for her continuous claims of poverty.

So if youd like to discuss the matter at hand, jurisdiction, by all means weight in. But if your just going to advocate that I continue to ignore her debt. If you think for some reason that she deserves to walk free of any obligation. By all means, write me a fucking check on her behalf.

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