This is a long shot asking this question in here, but dumpers, why did you send your dumpee/ex breadcrumbs?

It's because deep down inside I think I want to get back with my ex but I don't know whether or not he hates me. I guess I send messages of support and love to make him feel better and let him know I still care about him, and to see if he's open to communicating with me. My case is special because I was the one willing to make it work and I begged for him back but he decided he didn't want to make us work. So in a way, I feel like I'm the dumpee and I'm waiting for him to reach out to me for reconciliation. I also never got a closure conversation with him and I feel like I really needed it. It's been rough. When he doesn't respond, I assume he hates me and doesn't want anything to do with me, so I stop messaging him and leave him alone.

/r/ExNoContact Thread