Looking for a Vod review!

3:57 your ult is weak in an open area, and powerful in a closed in one. Should've used that ult inside the point not out here.

The position you're playing in around 4:20 is the absolute worst position on the entire map. Never stand there, you're just begging to be booped to your death. If the dva was trash she would've sent you flying.

5:39 - although winston + hog is a weird tank pairing, he's still your main tank and we should be seeing tons of him on your screen. You don't seem to be playing with him at all. At this point he's dead at the same time as you so it wouldn't have taken long to wait for him.

7:52 you peel dva off your winston (that's more like it) and he switches to orisa, which is a much better match for you. You should be sticking to her like glue now and playing that shield. Let's see what happens... orisa turned into a dva? ffs...

9:15 - wasted ult. Get close, pin someone against a wall. It's useless at long range and open space.

10:50 - Lucio moira is a perfectly good healing duo. Also you have some of the most powerful self healing in the game, and using that self healing generates tons of ult charge for you. The healers reallyshould focussed on healing the other players most of the time.

12:10 - you did it! that's how your ult is meant to be used. And 13:25, you did it again! Nice ults

Bunch of good hooks into the pit in this later part of the game, shame about the end. You should've asked dva to play orisa for this point.

/r/OverwatchUniversity Thread