Looking up the actual meaning of "genocide" in a dictionary makes one dumber

This stuff pisses me off.

Over history cultures have competed. Those with more resources and better values would grow larger, invent better technology and replace the others. This is how the world in general advances; the most efficient force their values on the world and so things move forward.

During history this has not just been white people. Originally civilization started in Mesopotamia and Egypt. Mongolia had a brief period of power. The Turks as well. The Europeans were quite adept at taking the technology of others and improving on it and so managed to defeat all these others and gain world power. Any other culture in the same position would have done the same; they just weren't as efficient and so lost.

That doesn't necessarily give us an excuse for the centuries of oppression you might say. True... kinda. But let’s look at that oppression. Now as anyone who has read much about pre-whitey Africa and America knows they were unstable violent regions. I won't get into all the nasty stuff that went on because I have to get on a bus but it wasn't all kumbayah. While slavery was tough it was not without its benefits. A reliable source of food and security were not things to be sniffed at. I wouldn’t go so far to say slavery was helping these people groups but it wasn’t like they took them from lives of peaceful bliss to hell holes. It’s more like they took them from one hell hole to another. I mean they could’ve ended up slaves anyway; these regions had a big slave trade before colonialism.

After a few generations rights improved and eventually blacks got their freedom. And while African Americans have it rough they have it a hell of a lot better than their counterparts in Africa. So when I see all these minorities lay into white people for bringing them here I always get a bit confused. Would you rather live in Africa? If so why don’t you move back?

/r/TumblrInAction Thread Link - imgur.com